Made with ❤ for law & tech

The AI assistant for privacy and IT 
legal research

Save hours of legal research and get instant answers to your questions, all backed by references from official EU sources.

How does it work?

Contextual search

We make official legal documents (legislation, case law, DPA decisions, guidelines) searchable contextually in natural language by embedding and including them in our vector database.

Asking questions

We use retrieval augmented generation (RAG) to first find the most contextually relevant resources to your question. Then, we send the documents and your question to the LLM.

Document moving

Getting references

The LLM answers are based only on the relevant documents from our vector database. This allows us to minimize hallucinations and give you references for every answer.


Find precise answers in minutes and cut research time by 50%

Get instant summaries, comparisons, and answers to questions, based only on official legal resources. Our database includes legislation, proposals, case law, regulatory guidelines and opinions from EUR-lex, CURIA, EDPB, EDPS, ENISA, and others

Answers from official
EU legal resources

Get all the benefits of generative AI on a secure database of official legal resources in EU privacy and digital law, updated every night.

Our database includes EU legislation, proposals, case law, guidelines and opinions from EUR-lex, CURIA, EDPB, EDPS, ENISA, and others.

W're also adding national laws and DPA decisions. We already support Belgium, with Netherlands and France coming in the next weeks.

Get answers and start drafting advice in minutes

Get instant summaries of the most recent CJEU cases and DPA decisions make comparisons between new regulations, and get practical examples.

Research, brainstorm, and start drafting your advice more quickly than ever, with reliable references for every answer.

You remain in control - easily review and select which official documents you want your answers to be based on for every chat.

New way to research across institutions and languages

Search just by describing what you need. Stop wasting time on inaccurate key word searches and endless browsing on institutional websites.

Get an explanation why each document is relevant to your search, together with all relevant articles/paragraphs and links to the source.

Search and get answers in your own language even if the resources are in a different one (e.g., get answers based on Belgian DPA decisions in English).


Save time, increase productivity

IT & privacy lawyers spend +40% of their time conducting legal research and drafting advise on compliance requirements and regulatory updates.

5+ hours

saved per week

up 50%

increase in research speed


Save time, increase productivity

IT & privacy lawyers spend +40% of their time conducting legal research and drafting advise on compliance requirements and regulatory updates.

5+ hours

saved per week

up 50%

increase in research speed


Save time, increase productivity

IT & privacy lawyers spend +40% of their time conducting legal research and drafting advise on compliance requirements and regulatory updates.

5+ hours

saved per week

up 50%

increase in research speed


We help you review stanrdard IT contracts in minutes

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We help you review stanrdard IT contracts in minutes

© Copyright 2024. All rights reserved.